Oh Sweet Thing

Mara came to hang out with me at just 3 weeks earth side at my studio in Bowdon, GA. However, her mom drove her from the Atlanta area. So she went on quite the journey to meet me!

There's just something so blissful about those first few weeks. Time stands still. All the days run together. You become completely infatuated with the little human You created. It is a high like no other. I am addicted to that type of high. I could have 15 babies just to completely breathe in the high of those sweet first few weeks together. Lol Thankfully THIS IS MY JOB and I am able to cure some of that constant baby fever with my client's little ones. I am allowed to snuggle brand new babies and document all of their cute wrinkly details. People actually pay me for this. Like, what?!

With that said, being thankful for sweet Mara's parents is basically an understatement. They have stuck by me and allowed me to document all of the most exciting times of their lives so far. From engagement, wedding, maternity, you name it. I was thrilled to be included in this milestone. I pray that I can be a part of many more!

I am obviously not the best at these whole blog posts. Actually, welcome to my very first one! I really just wanted a place to share this gorgeous gallery of this sweet baby girl. So I hope you love these as much as I do!

If you would like to learn more about my newborn + infant packages, feel free to scroll down to the contact area. I would love to hear from you and get to know your family! <3